Please take a moment to visit other stations on the network by clicking on the map above or clicking on the links below. The stations are displaying the weather conditions: Temperature, dew point, humidity, wind direction and speed/gust speed, today\'s rain, barometric pressure and trend, current conditions and the name of the city where the weather station is located.'); /*

Member stations of the '.MESO_LONG.'

as of '); */ define('MESO_COLSORT', 'Note: Click on the table column title to change the order of that column\'s values.'); # Tables and title= tags define('MESO_PAGEHEAD', 'Current weather conditions obtained from the member stations of the' ); define('MESO_CONDHEAD', 'Current weather conditions at the weather stations'); define('MESO_MEMBHEAD', 'Member stations of the '); # table headers define('MESO_FEAT', 'Station
Features/Altitude' ); define('MESO_STATE', 'Country' ); define('MESO_STATION', 'Station' ); #define('MESO_CURHEAD', 'Current
Cond.' ); define('MESO_CONDL', 'Current Condition' ); define('MESO_TEMP', 'Temp.' ); define('MESO_TEMPL', 'Temperature' ); define('MESO_DEWPT', 'Dew Point' ); define('MESO_DEWPTABBREV', 'DP' ); define('MESO_HUM', 'Humid' ); define('MESO_HUML', 'Humidity' ); define('MESO_AVGWIND', 'Wind' ); define('MESO_GUSTWIND', 'Gust' ); define('MESO_GUSTABBREV', 'G' ); define('MESO_WINDL', 'Wind Direction and Speed/Gust' ); define('MESO_WIND', 'Wind' ); define('MESO_WINDFROM', 'Wind from' ); define('MESO_PRECIPS', 'Rain' ); define('MESO_PRECIPSL', 'Rain Today' ); define('MESO_BAROB', 'Pressure' ); define('MESO_BAROT', 'Trend' ); define('MESO_BAROL', 'Pressure and Trend' ); define('MESO_SNOB', 'Snow' ); define('MESO_TXTGUST', 'Gust' ); define('MESO_DATAUPDT', 'Last
Update' ); define('MESO_NOCOND', 'No current conditions report' ); define('MESO_TOWN', 'Name of the town' ); define('MESO_OFFLINE', 'Offline' ); // text to display on mesomap when station data is stale/not available # for javascript animation control button lables define('MESO_RUN', 'Run' ); define('MESO_PAUSE', 'Pause' ); define('MESO_STEP', 'Step' ); # date-time define('MESO_CONDSFROM', 'Conditions data shown was collected from'); define('MESO_CONDSTO', 'to' );