Installation Instructions. 1. Unzip the package and upload to a directory of your choice on your local PC. 2. Read this ReadMe.txt file :-)) 3. Select the sample graphsconf-****.php file you wish to use and open it in a text editor like Notepad or ConTEXT. 4. Edit the required parameters in the customisation section. You must ensure the following are correct:- $hostloc = "${WEBROOT}/"; this will work if your clientraw files are in your root (home) directory on the webserver (it must end with a / character). Note: do not change the ${WEBROOT} part. $jploc = "${WEBROOT}/jpgraph-1.20.5/src/"; this will need to point ot the correct JPGraph directory on your webserver. Note: do not change the ${WEBROOT} part. $hourmode = "24"; must be 12 or 24 depending on which time mode you use in Weather Display. You do not need to alter any other variables at this time. This can come later once you have tested the installation. 5. Save this edited version of the config file as graphsconf.php in the same directory. 6. Upload this directory containing the graphs and config file to your webserver. Do not at this stage remove any files, upload everything. 7. Now go to your favourite browser and point it at your graphs eg. where you change the to your own website, and the graphs to the directory you have chosen. You should now see all the graphs displayed with the default settings from the graphsconf.php you just edited before. 8. Once this is all working and you can see all the graphs you can chose the ones you want and incorporate them into your own pages. You can then remove any graph files you do not want to use if you need to save some space. Make sure you do not remove the main graphsconf.php or error_msg.php files as these are required. 9. If you use a language other than English the you can edit the graphlang.php file and alter the data there to reflect your own language, or as samples become available copy in the contents or rename the sample file. This file allows you to have the actual label data on your graphs in your language. I have also included a Danish language file (graphlang-danish.php) courtesy of Henrik (jwwd on the forum). 10. Enjoy...... Stuart March 2008 List of files:- baro_1hr.php baro_24hr.php baro_7days.php baro_7days_line.php error_msg.php graphlang-danish.php graphlang.php graphsconf-metric+knots.php graphsconf-metric.php graphsconf-uk.php graphsconf-USA.php graphsconf.php humidity_1hr.php humidity_7days.php indoor_temp_24hr.php month_baro.php month_baro_line.php month_hilo_temp.php month_humidity.php month_rain.php month_winddir.php month_windspeed.php nextstorm_24hr.php rain_1hr.php rain_24hr.php rain_60min.php rain_7days.php rain_this_month.php rain_this_year.php rain_today.php rain_week.php rain_yesterday.php ReadMe.txt solar_24hr.php solar_7days.php temp+dew+hum_1hr.php temp+dew+hum_24hr.php temp+hum_24hr.php temp_1hr.php temp_60min.php temp_7days.php uv_24hr.php uv_7days.php winddir_1hr.php winddir_24hr.php winddir_60min.php winddir_7days.php windgust_1hr.php windspeed_1hr.php windspeed_24hr.php windspeed_60min.php windspeed_7days.php wxgraphs_test.html year_rain.php